ONE7 - Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone 's wedding festivities kicked off in style with a traditional Punjabi-style sangeet ceremony. Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone's wedding festivities kicked off with a grand sangeet ceremony this afternoon at Casta Diva, a luxury resort on the east side of Lake Como, in the pretty village of Blevio. The loved-up couple is set to get hitched on November 14 and 15 at the Villa del Balbianello. The India Today crew reached Lake Como and is bringing you exclusive inside details of the first pre-wedding function. We had earlier reported that Bollywood singer Harshdeep Kaur and her team would be performing at the sangeet. The playlist included wedding favourites like Kala Sha Kala, Mehendi Hai Rachney Wali, Mehendi Ni Mehendi and Gur Naal Ishq Mitha. It was a Punjabi-style function, with guests dancing to beats of the dhol. FULL COVERAGE: DEEPIKA AND RANVEER'S ITALY WEDDING The groom-to-be then took to the floor ...