Geminid meteor shower - One7 Geminid meteor shower: How and when to watch The Geminid meteor shower peaks this week, so hope for clear skies that will let you see a beautiful show of green fireballs on Thursday and Friday. This will be the last -- and strongest -- meteor shower of the year, according to NASA . This phenomenon was first recorded in 1862 and causes a show each December. In the hours before sunrise Friday, the most meteors will be visible in the North American sky, peaking about 7:30 a.m. ET, predicts Sky & Telescope. To see when they will peak in your part of the world, check here. But the morning isn't your only chance. On Thursday and Friday, keep an eye on the sky a few hours after sunset -- just keep the moon at your back. Although the Geminid shower is known for its "shooting stars," the number of meteors visible depends on the time and how dark it is. There will be fewer of them earlier in the evening, but the shower should hit...